The SoftBean XML Binding Utilities sbxb component of the ULM.gen project offers services to bind an XML document to a set of Java SoftBean objects (see the sbean library from the same project), and/or to generate XML data from the state of SoftBean objects.
The collection of binding rules to use for the object-XML binding is named a binding specification. The binding rules can be provided:
as building objects using the {@link org.otvl.sbxb.binding} package, which is useful if you can use SoftBean introspection rules to determine a generic XML mapping for a large collection of Java classes,
or directly reading a properties file with the method {@link org.otvl.sbxb.binding.BindingSpec#loadProperties}, if you handle a small collection of Java classes, each one requiring specific mapping rules.
The class {@link org.otvl.sbxb.SbxbUtil} provides services to transform SoftBeans to and from XML documents.