Analyzes a XML document and sets a collection of Java objects (SoftBeans) starting with the current object (root)
according to a binding specification.
Analyzes a XML document and sets a collection of Java objects (SoftBeans) starting with the current object (root)
according to a binding specification.
The SoftBean XML Binding Utilities sbxb component of the
ULMgen project offers services to bind an XML document to a set of
Java SoftBean objects (see the sbean library from the same project),
and/or to generate XML data from the state of SoftBean objects.
Translates the state of a collection of Java objects (SoftBeans)
starting with the current object (root)
into a XML document according to a binding specification.
Translates the state of a collection of Java objects (SoftBeans)
starting with the current object (root)
into a XML document according to a binding specification.